Illuminati:- A Secret Society Of New World Order

Illuminati, a secret society of new world order is a name that is often reflected on the screens of electronic and social media. Additionally, it is featured in numerous Hollywood films. On the internet, there are several articles about Illuminati, the secret society of the new world order. There are those who think that illuminati is a group of elite individuals, but there are others who think it is only a hoax.

symbol of illuminati

In this article, we will talk about the world’s oldest and most secret society or organization, i.e., illuminati, and try to present its history, mystery, and story in front of you.


Two words always attached to illuminati are’secret’ and’mysterious’. This secret and mysterious society, the illuminati, is also well known as the “Order of Illuminati“. All about this organization, which is still known, we do not have any solid proofs, and only stories have been woven around it.

Name and The Mysterious Symbol Of Illuminati

The Latin word ‘Illuminatus‘ is the source of the word ‘illuminati’, which means illuminated or illuminated. Some of you may not have heard of this name even before, but those who know somewhat about it are mostly confused about it as keywords like a new world order, reptilians, conspiracies, Saturn-worship, aliens, etc. This so called secret organisation has a triangular-shaped symbol with a human eye in its middle position. This symbol is known as “the eye of providence” or “all-knowing eye”. The symbol of the Illuminati is remarkably similar to that of the Freemasonry Society, another secret society similar to illuminati that existed previously. The eye in the middle part of the triangle is indicated as God’s eye, who is watching and observing us all the time, and it advice to humans is to follow the rules of humanity. The symbol of the ‘all-knowing eye’ of illuminati or Freemasonry Society is believed by several scholars to have been originally associated with Christian iconography from the Renaissance period. In Christianity, the eye bounded by a triangle symbolizes the ocular observation of God. The three corners of this triangle indicate the three eternal constituents of God, which are Father, Son, and a Divine Soul.

Illuminati:- A Secret Society Of New World Order

History Of Illuminati:- A Secret Society Of New World Order

It’s time to go back to May 1776. In Bavaria, Germany, there was a small city called Ingolstadt. Professor Adam Weishaupt, the creator of illuminati resided here. Adam Weishaupt joined the University of Ingolstadt as a Canon Law professor in 1773. Canon law is also well known as church law. The study of the Roman Catholic Church’s activities is the focus of this law, which elaborately describes the philosophical, theological, and historical background of the Church. Despite being a professor of canon law or church law, Adam Weishaupt never had a belief in its philosophy, which was the most interesting thing about him. There was an explanation for this as well. The society was under the control of Jesuits, hardcore Christians, missionaries, and churches during that time. According to Weishaupt, this prevalent system is referred to as ‘organized religion’. The influence of religion or religious beliefs on science, education, freedom, and the socio-cultural activities of society was significant during this period. Adam Weishaupt holds the belief that religion and science are not rivals but rather strong allies. Weishaupt advocated for the people’s liberty in science and religion. Weishaupt’s thoughts inspired him to set up a secret organization that would work towards building a new world order. At the beginning, along with his four students, Weishaupt founded the organization, which was named “the order of perfectibilists”. Eventually, that became known as the “Order of Illuminati.” As members of this organization, they denote themselves as perfectibilists.

new world order of illuminati

New World Order

Adam Weishaupt had the aim of bringing a revolution to the whole world. He wanted to establish a universal republic throughout the world, and for this purpose it was necessary to destroy Christianity and all other religions. He wanted to replace religion with atheism and the economic model with the communism of goods. Furthermore, he aspired to embody the ideals of complete equality and social and religious constraints. Weishaupt said that the earthly paradise that will be created from this new world order will not be ruled by any civilian government but by an enlightened elite, i.e. the illuminati. The primary challenge they faced was the inability to achieve a comprehensive vision with the help of just five individuals. So they started to join many highly educated and rich individuals in their newly formed secret organization, the illuminati. In a few years, the membership strength of illuminati was increased to 2500- 3000 people.

illuminati:- a secret society of new world order

It was obvious that as their network began to grow, so did the government and church authorities of that time felt threatened. They were afraid that if the order of illuminati become successful, they will have to lose their power. To avoid this, Duke of Bavaria- Charles Theodore passed a law that banned all secret societies. After this, many members of this society were captured by the government and only 30 to 40 powerful people remained in it. These remaining members once again decided to revive this society in 1800s. But this time they follow more secrecy to do this. In between this period Adam Weishaupt was died. The comman of the illuminati was now in the hands of a selected few powerful and greedy people whose intention were not good at all. Some theories state that to make their influence work, the Church and religious authorities started a propaganda against these people. In which people of illuminati were dressed with satan and aliens. In the eyes of the church, those who do not believe in God are, satan. That’s why these members of illuminati also came to be known as “Satan-worshippers.”
satan worship

Belief In The Existence Of Illuminati

Observing for many incidents, it seems that the order of illuminati is still active, and even today, it is operative among us in an intelligent way. But in other cases, it is a rumor and nothing else. This society is blamed for any strange incidents in this world, like the Corona virus pandemic, etc. Some said that this virus came from bats, and some said it was prepared in a laboratory. Hence, no solid evidence about the origin of the Corona virus has been detected till now. For this reason, many assumed that it was the work of illuminati. There is an interesting cause behind this. There was a song “Don’t Go Outside” by American singer “That Poppy,” which was released just 4 to 5 days after the first case of the Corona virus. That song raised many questions about the song and the pandemic situation. In the song, the singer was singing that people are not to go outside and stay at home; all are falling; all are destroying; this time is not to go outside; stay at home; stay safe. In this situation, conspiracy theorists claimed that only after 4-5 days of the first case of the Corona virus was the singer assured that this virus would turn into a world pandemic. How did she predict the worldwide lockdown in her song before it happened? According to all these conspiracy theories, Poppy was linked with this elite group, the illuminati. People also concluded the role of this organisation in the unsolved mystery of the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy and its relation to the “Babushka Lady.”

babushka lady and relation with illuminati


There are several mysterious things known to exist in this world. Such as the story of aliens, Area 51, the Bermuda Triangle, Moai, and so on. The Order of illuminati is one of them. There is a book, “The Bloodlines of Illuminati,” published by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the USA in 1991. In the first few pages of this book, it is clearly mentioned that those people who are related to the illuminati are Satan’s elite. Whatever the story of illuminati, in different thoughts, one thing is correct: illuminati was born with a Nobel cause, but that might never be completed.


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